Lodge's cubic
This map is the cubic map f(z) = 3z2/(2z3+1), which is discussed at length in Russell Lodge's thesis, "Boundary values of the Thurston pullback map" (Indiana University, 2012). The map had been considered previously by Buff-Epstein-Koch-Pilgrim.The Julia set for this cubic is shown in the figure below, which was created from Mathematica.

The diagram for Lodge's cubic map
Input and output files
- lodgecubic.input
- lodgecubic_Main.output
- lodgecubic_MOD.output
- lodgecubic_Table.output
- lodgecubicMod2Corre.ps
- lodgecubicDynPortrait.ps
- lodgecubicGraphMu.ps
- lodgecubicGraphMuLines.ps
- lodgecubicGraphMuTorus.ps
- lodgecubicHalfSpace.ps
- lodgecubicPrenDgm.ps
- lodgecubicSigma.ps
- lodgecubicTreeEMOD.ps
- lodgecubicTreeMOD.ps
- lodgecubicTreePMOD.ps