Input and output files for dynamic portraits

The links below lead to NETmap input and output files for exactly one representative from every dynamic portrait of a NET map through degree 40. The total number of portraits for degrees 2-40 is 10,626. For degree d at least 9, there are 153 portraits if d is odd, 353 if d is 2 mod 4, and 483 if d is a multiple of 4.

At the top of each page is a link to a list of dynamic portraits for that degree. The postcritical points are named a, b, c, and d. Each entry of the list gives the following information, which is enough to determine the dynamic portrait. First, it gives the image of each postcritical point under the NET map. Second, it says which postcritical points are critical. Third, for each postcritical point it says how many of its preimage points are critical points that are not postcritical points.

The portraits are ordered via three nested lists. In the outer list, the portraits are ordered by which postcritical points are critical, arranged in increasing numbers of critical postcritical points. The second list is ordered by the restriction of the dynamic portraits graph to the subgraph with vertex set the set of postcritical points. The third list is by the number of critical preimages of each postcritical point. If the degree is odd, then the third list only has one entry because each postcritical point will have exactly one preimage that is not a critical point. But if the degree is even, one postcritical point can have four noncritical preimages or two postcritical points can each have two noncritical preimages. Because of this there are more portraits for even degrees than there are for odd degrees. For even degrees, there are more portraits for degrees which are multiples of 4 than for degrees that are 2 mod 4. This is because if one postcritical point has 4 noncritical preimages, then the degree must be a multiple of 4 for the portrait to be realizable by a Thurston map.